第10回 "日常会話から"

"The more, the merrier"

"Oh, no, John showed up to my Party, I did not invite him."
"Why not, the more , the merrier."

呼んでない奴がパーティーに来ちゃったよ、いいじゃない、The more, the merrierだから、というふうに自虐的に、また皮肉として使われることの方が、個人的な印象ですが多いような気がします。

"Be Old hand at ―"

(例)He is an old hand at repairing the house.

また、Old handだけ使われて熟練者、ベテランという意味になります。

(例)with 25 years on the job, Vinnie was the old hand everyone went to with their problems.

"Let someone down"

(例)The team didn’t want to let down the coach.

ところで、Let someone down easyとなると意味が日本人にはわかりにくくなります。
Let someone down gently とも言います。

(例)The teacher knew that Paul would have to repeat the course and that there was no way to let him down easy.

"Robbing Peter to pay Paul"
相当古くから使われている言い回しで、元々はCrucify Peter to Save Paul (パウロを救うためにペテロを十字架にかける)という言い回しから来ているという説もあります。パウロもペテロも初代教会では重要な人物で、一方を助けるために他方を犠牲にするのは意味がない、というわけです。

(例)Jacob: I think I’m going to apply for another credit card so I can pay off some of my bills.
David: Robbing Peter to pay Paul, eh?! Just be careful not to get into debt.

"Stick to someone’s rib"

(例)Toast and eggs don’t stick to my ribs, so I always get hungry again before lunch.

"Big Time"

(例)I’ve finally reached the big time!
(例)This is one of your real big-time stars.

また、big timeは楽しい時間、最高の時間という意味でも使います。

(例)The children came home exhausted but happy; they really had a big time at the circus.

"One-horse Town"

(例)I can’t wait to graduate high school and get out of this boring, one-horse town!

"Be eating someone"

(例)What’s eating Fred? He’s in a rotten humor.